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A modern view of an ancient land

Indigenous Tech for Indigenous Country

Digital Country aims to provide capture of Country services and a user-friendly online platform for mapping, analysis, and planning.

The Digital Country Platform will be co-designed with Traditional Owners for Traditional Owners, ensuring they have the geo-spatial technology they need to protect, heal, and manage Country.


Accurate Capture of Country using cutting-edge devices and sensors


Fully featured online mapping platform to bring your Digital Country to life


Indigenous youth out on Country mapping flora, fauna and cultural sites.

Youth on Country

Country is the cornerstone of Indigenous communities and our youth hold the keys to the future.

Data-geek skillset

Cultural mindset

We’re good with tech and we’re good with data, it’s what we do. Our founders and advisers are experienced in mapping platforms, drones and sensors, land management, ecology, and carbon markets. All the skills for all the things.

But we’re also an Indigenous business with an Indigenous approach centered around Community on Country.

We earn trust through shared values, positive intent, and a track record of delivering meaningful results. Our CEO Pat Cooke was awarded the Queensland Government’s Reconciliation Award 2024 in recognition of his success at partnering with Indigenous communities across Australia.